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日期:2021-11-02 发布人: 浏览量:



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1998.9-2001.7 南开大学, 硕士学位

2003.1-2007.7 新加坡国立大学,博士学位


2007.8-2009.4 新加坡国立大学化学13水 ,科研助理

2009.5-2015.3 新加坡国立大学化学及分子生物13水 ,博士后

2015.4-至今 福建省闽江学者特聘教授/教授,13水-福建十三水 200





1. 有机高分子膜相关领域的材料研发;2. 水污染控制及海水淡化;3. 清洁新能源;4. 废物资源化


Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目,223760272024-2027

Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目,216770352017-2020

Ø 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2021J016292021-2024

Ø 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2016J010562016-2019

Ø 中空纤维耐氯纳滤膜耐氯性能的增强研究, 2021-2024100万(横向)

Ø 中空纤维耐溶剂纳滤膜耐溶剂性能的增强, 2016-201710万(横向)


已在国际顶级SCI期刊(Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research等)以一作或通讯作者发表50余篇论文。

Ø 5年代表性论文(通讯作者)

1. Y.T. Zou, Q.C. Ge*, Smart organic-inorganic polyoxomolybdates in forward osmosis for antiviral-drug wastewater treatment and drug reclamation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 14, 5872–5880.

2. Luyang Cheng, Q.W. Meng, Q.C. Ge*, Construction and chlorine resistance of thiophene-poly(ethyleneimine)-based dual-functional nanofiltration membranes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 10018-10029.

3. R.Z. Chen, F.R. Qiu, Q.W. Meng, T.S. Chung, Q.C. Ge*, A cobalt-based forward osmosis draw solute synthesized from lithium-ion battery wastes for cobalt-containing wastewater purification, Desalination 548 (2023) 116279.

4. R.Z. Chen, X.F. Dong, Q.C. Ge*, Lithium-based draw solute for forward osmosis to treat wastewater discharged from lithium-ion battery manufacturing, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 16, (2022) 755–763.

5. F.R. Qiu, R.Z. Chen, T.S. Chung, Q.C. Ge*, Forward osmosis for heavy metal removal: Multi-charged metallic complexes as draw solutes, Desalination 539 (2022) 115924.

6. X.J. Tang, W.X. Hu, X.X. Ke, Y.M. Zheng, Q.C. Ge*, Antibacterial and desalting behavior of forward osmosis membranes engineered with metal ions, Desalination 530 (2022) 115655.

7. Y.R. Shi, X.L. Liao, R.Z. Chen, Q.C. Ge*, pH-Responsive Polyoxometalates that achieve efficient wastewater reclamation and source recovery via forward osmosis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 18, 12664–12671.

8. X.F. Dong, Q.W. Meng, W.X. Hu, R.Z. Chen, Q.C. Ge*, Forward osmosis membrane developed from the chelation of Fe3+ and carboxylate for trace organic contaminants removal. Chemical Engineering Journal 428 (2022) 131091.

9. J. Guo, Q. L. Yang, C. H. Lau, Q.C. Ge*, Membrane surface functionalization with imidazole derivatives to benefit dye removal and fouling resistance in forward osmosis, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 6710-6719.

10. W.X. Hu, Y.C. Chen, X.F. Dong, Q.W. Meng, Q.C. Ge*, Positively charged membranes constructed via complexation for chromium removal through micellar-enhanced forward osmosis. Chemical Engineering Journal 420 (2021) 129837.

11. Q.W. Meng, Q.C. Ge*, Enhancing Chlorine Resistance and Water Permeability during Forward Osmosis Separation Using Superhydrophilic Materials with Conjugated Systems, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 3539335402.

12. R. Z. Chen, X.L. Liao, Q.C. Ge*, A novel multinuclear zinc complex Zn-Bet-Tf2N for electroplating wastewater treatment using forward osmosis technique. Chemical Engineering Journal 404 (2021).

13. X.L. Liao, W.H. Zhang, Q.C. Ge*, A cage-like supramolecular draw solute that promotes forward osmosis for wastewater remediation and source recovery, Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 600, 117862.

14. X.F. Dong, Q.C. Ge*, Metal ion-bridged forward osmosis membranes for efficient pharmaceutical wastewater reclamation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 37163-37171.

15. Y.C. Chen, Q.C. Ge*, A bifunctional zwitterion that serves as both a membrane modifier and a draw solute for forward osmosis wastewater treatment, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 3611836129.

16.P. Li, Q.C. Ge*, Membrane surface engineering with bifunctional zwitterions for efficient oilwater separation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 3132831337.

17. Q.L. Yang, C.H. Lau, Q.C. Ge*, Novel ionic grafts that enhance arsenic removal via forward osmosis, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 1782817835.

18. Y.H. Wu, Y. Liu, R.Z. Chen, W.-H. Zhang, Q.C. Ge*, A pH-responsive supramolecular draw solute that achieves high-performance in arsenic removal via forward osmosis, Water Research 165 (2019) 114993.

19. Y. Wu, W.H. Zhang, Q.C. Ge*, Piperazine-based functional materials as draw solutes for desalination via forward osmosis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (2018), 14170-14177.

20. G. Xie, W. Xu, Q.C. Ge*, Controlling membrane ionization with bifunctional alendronates to benefit desalination through forward osmosis. Desalination 447 (2018), 147-157.

21. T. Ni, Q.C. Ge*, Highly hydrophilic thin-lm composition forward osmosis (FO) membranes functionalized with aniline sulfonate/bisulfonate for desalination. Journal of Membrane Science 564 (2018), 732-741.

22. W. Xu, Q.C. Ge*, Novel functionalized forward osmosis (FO) membranes for FO desalination: Improved process performance and fouling resistance. Journal of Membrane Science 555 (2018), 507-516.

23. Q. Chen, W. Xu, Q.C. Ge*, Novel multi-charge hydroacid complexes that effectively remove heavy metal ions from water in forward osmosis processes. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (2018), 4464-4471.


Ø 科研论文“ Effective As(III) removal by a multi-charged hydroacid complex draw solute facilitated forward osmosis-membrane distillation (FO-MD) processes, Environ. Sci. & Tech., 50 (2016), 2363-2370”


Ø 科研论文“A novel multi-charged draw solute that removes organic arsenicals from water in a hybrid membrane process. Environ. Sci. Tech., 52 (2018), 3812-3819”







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