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日期:2022-08-29 发布人: 浏览量:


















1. 于岩;庄赞勇.新型芬顿催化材料的设计合成与高级氧化性能[M].北京:科学出版社,2022

2. 于岩;庄赞勇.新型高效锰基水净化材料[M].北京:科学出版社,2021

3. 林璋;吴智诚;庄赞勇等.纳米材料生长动力学及其环境应用[M].北京:科学出版社,2014 (《纳米科学与技术》丛书)



1. Yang, B. X.; Jiang, X. P., Zheng, Y. T.; Zhou, L. X.; Yan, J. W.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Localized phase transformation triggering lattice matching of metal oxide and carbonate hydroxide for efficient CO2 photoreduction, Small, 2023, 2302683

2. Zhang, T. S.; Zhao, X.; Lin, M. X.; Yang, B. X.; Yan, J. W.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Surfactant-free synthesis of ordered 1D/2D NiZn-LDH heterostructure through oriented attachment for efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction with nearly 100% CO selectivity, Science China Materials, 2023, 66, 2308–2316

3. Zhang, T. S.; Yang, B. X.; Lin, M. X.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Toward rational design of ordered heterostructures for energy and environmental sustainability: a review, 2023, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2023, 4, 2200204

4. Lin, M. X.; Jiang, W. S.; Zhang, T. S.; Yang, B. X.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Ordered CoIII-MOF@CoII-MOF heterojunction for highly efficient photocatalytic syngas production, Small Science, 2023, 3, 2200085

5. Zhang, T. S.; Zheng, Y. T.; Zhao, X.; Lin, M. X.; Yang, B. X.; Yan, J. W.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Scalable synthesis of holey deficient 2D Co/NiO single-Crystal nanomeshes via topological transformation for efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Small, 2023, 19, 2206873

6. Wen, Y. L.; He, L. R.; Li, H.; Han, Y. H.; Zhang, Y. M.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Dual lattice oxygens in amorphous Zr-doped manganese oxide for highly efficient aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, 2023, Science China Materials, 66, 1829–1836

7. Lin, M. X.; Luo, Y. F.; Zhang, T. S.; Shen, X. X.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y* Trade-off of metal sites in Fe-Ni bimetal metal-organic frameworks for efficient CO2 photoreduction with nearly 100% CO selectivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 52868-52876

8. Wen, Y. L.; Yan, J. Y.; Yang, B. X.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Reactive oxygen species on transition metal-based catalysts for sustainable environmental applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 10, 19184

9. Zhao, L.; Yang, B. X.; Zhuang, G. X.; Wen, Y. L.; Zhang, T. S.; Lin, M. X.; Zanyong Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Thin in-plane In2O3/ZnIn2S4 heterostructure formed by topological-atom-extraction: optimal distance and charge transfer for effective CO2 photoreduction, Small, 2022, 18, 2201668

10. Lin, M. X.; Jiang, W. S.;  Yang, C. K.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Oriented assembly of metal-organic frameworks and deficient TiO2 nanowires directed by lattice matching for efficient photoreversible color switching, Science China Materials, 2022, 65, 992-999

5. Zhuang, G. X.; Yang, B. X.; Jiang, W. S.; Ou, X. W.; Zhao, L.; Wen, Y. L.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Lin, Z.*; Yu, Y.* Spatially separated oxygen vacancies and nickel sites for ensemble promotion of selective CO2 photoreduction to CO, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022, 3, 100724

11. Xiang, J. X.; Zhang, T. S.; Cao, R.D.; Lin, M. X .; Yang, B. X.; Wen, Y. L.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Optimizing the oxygen vacancies concentration of thin NiO nanosheets for efficient selective CO2 photoreduction, Solar RRL, 2021, 5, 2100703

12. Zhuang, G. X.; Yan, J. W.; Wen, Y. L.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Two-dimensional transition metal oxides and chalcogenides for advanced photocatalysis: progress, challenges, and opportunities, Solar RRL, 2021, 5, 2000403

13. Zhuang, G. X.; Fang, Q. H.; Wei, J. X.; Yang, C. K.; Chen, M. Q.; Lyu, Z. K.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Branched In2O3 Mesocrystal of ordered architecture derived from the oriented alignment of a metal-organic framework for accelerated hydrogen evolution over In2O3-ZnIn2S4, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2021, 13, 9804-9813

14. Wei, J. X.; Chen, Y. W.; Zhang, H. Y.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Hierarchically porous S-scheme CdS/UiO-66 photocatalyst for efficient 4-nitroaniline reduction, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2021, 42, 78-86

15. Zhuang, G. X.; Chen, Y. W.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.*; Yu, J. G.* Oxygen vacancies in metal oxides: recent progress towards advanced catalyst design. Science China Materials, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s40843-020-1305-6

16. Wei, J. X.; Chen, Y. W.; Zhang, H. Y.; Zhuang, Z.Y.*; Yu, Y.* Hierarchically porous S-Scheme CdS/UiO-66 photocatalyst for efficient 4-Nitroaniline reduction, Chinese Journal of catalysis, 2020

17. Jia, K.; Ye, J. H.; Zhuang, G. XI.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Well-defined Cu2O/Cu3(BTC)2 Sponge architecture as efficient phenolics scavenger: synchronous etching and reduction of MOFs in confined-pH NH3∙H2O, Small, 2019, 15, 1805478

18. Ye, J.H.; Zhuang, G. X.; Wen, Y. L.; Wei, J.X.; Chen, J. H; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.*, Three-dimensional Zigzag Prussian Blue Analogue and its derivates for bisphenol A scavenging: inhomogeneous spatial distribution of FeIII in anisotropic etching of PBA, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 372, 260

19. Wu, S. J.; Zhuang, G. X.; Wei, J. X.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.*Shape control of core–shell MOF@MOF and derived MOF nanocages via ion modulation in a one-pot strategy. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018, 6, 18234  

20. Wei, J. X.; Cheng, N. C.; Liang, Z. Y.; Wu, Y. F.; Zou, Z. G.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Heterometallic metal-organic framework nanocages of high crystallinity: elongated channel structure formed in-situ through metal-ions (M=W or Mo) doping.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, DOI:10.1039/C8TA04892D  

21. Weng, Y. L.; Weng, Z. Z.; Liang, Z. Y.; Lyu, H. X.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.* Mesoporous Ca–Mn–O as an efficient scavenger toward organic pollutants and heavy metals: ion exchange provoking ultrafast Fenton-like reaction based on the synergy of alkaline earth/transition metals. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018, 6, 9528(Selected as “2018 Journal of Materials Chemistry A HOT Papers”)

22. Guo, S. Y.; Jiang, Y. R.; Li, L. Y.; Huang, X. D.; Zhuang, Z. Y.*; Yu, Y.*. Thin CuOx-based nanosheets for efficient phenol removal benefitting from structural memory and ion exchange of layered double oxides. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 4167






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