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叶晓霞,博士,副教授,硕士生导师(环境工程学术型、资源循环科学与工程学术型、环境工程专业型),福建省高层次人才(C类),福州大学“旗山学者”,福建省科技特派员。主要从事环境友好材料、皮胶原纤维和木质素等可再生资源的高质化利用等方向研究,先后主持了国家自然基金、福建省科技厅项目、福建省教育厅项目等多项科研项目。以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Journal of Membrane Science、Chemistry-A European Journal等期刊上发表论文近30篇,申请国家发明专利7件,已授权5件,曾获福建省科技成果转化奖一等奖(第五)、福建省专利奖二等奖(第二)和福州大学教师教学创新大赛一等奖(第一)等奖励。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.01-2027.12,在研/主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2021.01-2023.12,在研/主持
3. 福建省自然科学基金青年项目,2020.10-2023.11,在研/主持
4. 生态环境及其信息图谱福建省高等学校重点实验室开放课题,2022.06-2024.12,在研/主持
5. 福州大学课程思政示范项目,2022-2024,在研/主持
6. 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目,2019.05-2022.05,结题/主持
7. 福州大学人才基金,2019.09-2021.08,结题/主持
1. Anti-abrasion collagen fiber-based membrane functionalized by UiO-66-NH2 with ultra-high efficiency and stability for oil-in-water emulsions separation. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2024.
1. A biomass fiber adsorbent grafted with phosphate/amidoxime for efficient extraction of uranium from seawater by synergistic effect. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023,337: 117658.
2. Biomass-derived foams with three-dimensional hierarchical structure for efficient p-arsanilic acid removal. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 177:725-733.
3. Waste for waste: Interface-intensified durable superhydrophilic−superoleophobic collagen fiber membrane for efficient separation of cationic surfactant-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions. Langmuir, 2023, 39(51): 18815-18824.
4. 激光直写ZnO/石墨烯的翻转型光电化学传感研究[J].闽江13水
学报, 2023, 44(5):103-110.
1. Insight into the performance of lignin-containing cellulose nanofibers (LCNFs) via lignin content regulation by p-toluenesulfonic acid delignification. Cellulose, 2022, 29(4):2273-2287.
2. Effectively remove p-arsanilic acid from water over amphiphilic amino modified collagen fiber, Chemosphere, 2022, 288: 132542.
3. Phosphate-functionalized fibrous adsorbent for effectively extracting uranium from seawater. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61(5): 2227-2236.
4. Fabrication of lignin-based biochar containing multi-metal ferrite and efficient removal for oxytetracycline hydrochloride. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 331(10): 129885.
5. Interfacial treatment-induced high-strength plant fiberphenolic resin composite, Frontiers in Materials, 2022,9: 1-7.
6. 氨化纤维素基气凝胶的制备及其对阿散酸的吸附行为研究[J].中国造纸, 2022, 41(9):26-35.
1. Multi-layer structure ammoniated collagen fibers for fast adsorption of anionic dyes, ACS omega, 2021, 6, 41, 27070-27079.
2. Preparation and physicochemical properties of tannin-immobilized membrane adsorbent, Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(20), 9684.
3. Example of removing printing ink from plastic surface using quaternary ammonium-modified waste cooking oil(Effectively remove printing ink from plastic surface over quaternary ammonium-modified waste cooking oil), Environmental Technology, 2021, 1-12.
4. Lignin‐based magnetic nanoparticle adsorbent for diclofenac sodium removal: Adsorption behavior and mechanisms, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2021, 29, 3401-3411.
5. Biomass base membrane with phenol hydroxy-amino group for ultraselective adsorption of radioactive Co(II) in trace concentration, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 272: 118878.
6. Efficient adsorption of diclofenac sodium in water by a novel functionalized cellulose aerogel, Environmental Research, 2021, 194: 110652.
7. Preparation of Ce0.9Zr0.1O2/SnIn4S8 composite photocatalyst and its degradation of typical antibiotic pollutants, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 87.
1. Efficient separation of viscous emulsion through amphiprotic collagen nanofibers-based membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 588: 117209.
1. Competitive adsorption for simultaneous removal of emulsified water and surfactants from mixed surfactant-stabilized emulsions with high flux, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6: 14058-14064.
2. Polyphenolic chemistry enabled mechanically robust, flame resistant and superhydrophobic membrane for separation of mixed surfactant-stabilized emulsions, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2018, 24:10953-10958.
3. Fabrication of 3D porous superhydrophobic sponges using plant polyphenol-Fe3+, complexes as adhesive and their applications in oil/water separation, Colloids & Surfaces A: Physicochemical & Engineering Aspects, 2018, 551: 9-16.
1. Quaternized lignin-based dye dispersant: Characterization and performance research, Journal of Dispersion Science & Technology, 2016, 38: 852-859.
1. 叶晓霞,郑智弘,池锐杨,刘以凡,吕源财,林春香. 一种耐磨超亲水/水下超疏油皮胶原纤维膜、制备和用途,2022-11-23,中国,202211469723.7
2. 叶晓霞; 陈雪莹; 郑智弘; 黄冰清; 林春香; 吕源财; 刘以凡; 一种芴酮多聚物皮纤维膜复合材料及其制备方法和应用, 2024-01-02, 中国, 202410003051.3
3. 黄鑫,叶晓霞,石碧. 一种乳液分离超疏水皮胶原纤维膜的制备方法及其应用,2018-6-11,中国,ZL 201810596211.4
4. 黄鑫,叶晓霞,石碧. 一种耐磨超疏水阻燃皮革的制备方法,2018-1-27,中国,ZL 201810045772.5
5. 黄鑫,叶晓霞,石碧. 一种超疏水阻燃材料的制备方法,2018-1-17,中国,ZL 201810045774.4
6. 刘明华,叶晓霞,曾基挺,刘以凡,林春香. 一种季铵化木质素基分散剂及制备工艺和应用,2015-3-17,中国,ZL 201510114803.4
7. 刘明华,叶晓霞,曾基挺,刘以凡,林春香. 一种胺甲基化木质素基分散剂及制备工艺和应用,2015-3-17,中国,ZL 201510114382.5