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日期:2021-11-02 发布人: 浏览量:

undefined          姓名:杨丽阳



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l 国家自然科学基金项目,河-海界面多源混合下DOM生物可利用性的激发效应;

l 福建省自然科学基金项目,流域-近海体系DOM络合金属能力的时空演变与关键调控机制;

l 福州大学人才基金,河流有机碳的生物地球化学与环境效应研究;

l 横向项目,滩涂养殖对毗邻近海有机质CDOM的影响研究;


l 国家自然科学基金地区合作重大项目,九龙江流域-河口-近海系统耦合变动及环境生态效应

l 国家自然科学基金项目,河口区DOM生物可利用性的时空演变及调控机制;

l 韩国研究基金项目,荧光化学计量学在先进水管理系统中的应用;

l 台湾科学委员会项目,黑潮、南海与东海交会处水团之消长


l Zhang, W.Y., Wang, Y.F., Fang, F.T., Zhuang, W.-E., Yang, L.Y.*, Zhu, Z.Y.*, 2024. Characterization of sediment organic matter in the outer Yangtze River Estuary using stable isotopes, optical techniques, and FT-ICR-MS: Implications for the carbon burial mechanism. Water Research 267, 122512.

l Yang L.Y.*, Chen L.W., Zhuang W.-E., Zhu Z.Y. Unveiling changes in the complexation of dissolved organic matter with Pb(II) by photochemical and microbial degradation using fluorescence EEMs-PARAFAC. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 341, 122982.

l Lin J.J., Yang L.Y.*, Zhuang W.-E., Wang Y., Chen X.C., Niu J.*. Tracking the changes of dissolved organic matter throughout the city water supply system with optical indices. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 358: 120911.

l Lønborg C., Carreira C., Abril G., Agustí S., Amaral V., Andersson A., Arístegui J., Bhadury P., Bernardi Bif M., Borges A.V., Bouillon S., Ll. Calleja M., Cotovicz Jr L.C., Cozzi S., Doval M., Duarte C.M., Eyre B., Fichot C.G., García-Martín E.E., Garzon-Garcia A., Giani M., Gonçalves-Araujo R., Gruber R., A. Hansell D., Hashihama F., He D., Holding J.M., Hunter W.R., Ibánhez J.S.P., Ibello V., Jiang S., Kim G., Klun K., Kowalczuk P., Kubo A., Weng Lee C., Lopes C.B., Maggioni F., Magni P., Marrase C., Martin P., McCallister S.L., McCallum R., Medeiros P.M., Morán X.A.G., Muller-Karger F., Myers-Pigg A., Norli M., Oakes J.M., Osterholz H., Park H., Lund Paulsen M., Rosentreter J.A., Rueda-Roa D., Santinelli C., Shen Y., Teira E., Tinta T., Uher G., Wakita M., Ward N., Watanabe K., Xin Y., Yamashita Y., Yang L., Yeo J., Yuan H., Zheng Q., Álvarez-Salgado X.A. A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1). Earth System Science Data, 2024, 16(2): 1107-1119.

l Zhuang W.-E, Chen W., Yang L.Y.*. Coupled effects of dam, hydrology, and estuarine filtering on dissolved organic carbon and optical properties in the reservoir-river-estuary continuum. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 617: 128893.

l Begum M.S., Park J.-H., Yang L.Y., Shin K.H., Hur J.*. Optical and molecular indices of dissolved organic matter for estimating biodegradability and resulting carbon dioxide production in inland waters: A review. Water Research, 228, 2023, 119362.

l Yang L.Y.*, Chen Y., Lei J.J., Zhu Z.Y.*. Effects of coastal aquaculture on sediment organic matter: Assessed with multiple spectral and isotopic indices. Water Research, 2022, 118951.

l Chen L.W., Zhuang W.-E, Yang L.Y.*. Critical evaluation of the interaction between fluorescent dissolved organic matter and Pb(II) under variable environmental conditions. Chemosphere, 2022, 307(5), 135875.

l Liu F., Zhuang W.-E, Yang L.Y.*. Comparing the Pb(II) binding with different fluorescent components of dissolved organic matter from typical sources. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29, 56676–56683.

l Zhuang W.-E, Chen W., Yang L.Y.*. Effects of photodegradation on the optical indices of chromophoric dissolved organic matter from typical sources. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(21): 14268.

l Lu W., Wang J., Jiang Y., Chen Z., Wu W., Yang L., Liu Y.*. Data-Driven Method with Numerical Model: A Combining Framework for Predicting Subtropical River Plumes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2022, doi: 10.1029/2021JC017925.

l Zhang M., He M., Chen Q., Huang Y., Zhang C., Yue C., Yang L., Mu J.*. Feasible synthesis of a novel and low-cost seawater-modified biochar and its potential application in phosphate removal/recovery from wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 824, 153833.

l Shi W.X., Zhuang W.-E., Hur J., Yang L.Y.*. Monitoring dissolved organic matter in wastewater and drinking water treatments using spectroscopic analysis and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry. Water Research, 2021, 188, 116406.

l Lei J.J., Yang L.Y.*, Zhu Z.Y.*. Testing the effects of coastal culture on particulate organic matter using absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 325, 129203.

l Zhuang W.-E., Chen W., Cheng Q., Yang L. Y.*. Assessing the priming effect of dissolved organic matter from typical sources using fluorescence EEMs-PARAFAC. Chemosphere, 2021, 264, 128600.

l Wang H., Wang Y.H., Zhuang W.-E., Chen W., Shi W.X., Zhu Z.Y., Yang L.Y.*. Effects of fish culture on particulate organic matter in a reservoir-type river as revealed by absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC. Chemosphere, 2020, 239, 124734.

l Wang H., Li Z.Q., Zhuang W.-E, Hur J., Yang L.Y.*, Wang Y.H.*. Spectral and isotopic characteristics of particulate organic matter in a subtropical estuary under the influences of human disturbance. Journal of Marine Systems, 2020, 203, 103264.

l Li Z.Q., Wu Y.*, Yang L.Y., Du J.Z., Deng B., Zhang J. Carbon isotopes and lignin phenols for tracing the floods during the past 70 years in the middle reach of the Changjiang River. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2020, 39(4), 33-41.

l Huang Y.L., Tian M., Jin F., Chen M.Y., Liu Z.G., He S.Q., Li F.X., Yang L.Y., Fang C., Mu J.L.* Coupled effects of urbanization level and dam on microplastics in surface waters in a coastal watershed of Southeast China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 154, 111089.

l Yang L.Y.*, Cheng Q., Zhuang W.E., Wang H., Chen W. Seasonal changes in the chemical composition and reactivity of dissolved organic matter at the land-ocean interface of a subtropical river. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26, 24595-24608.

l Yang L.Y.*, Chen W., Zhuang W.-E., Cheng Q., Li W.X., Wang H., Guo W.D., Chen C.-T.A., Liu M.H.*. Characterization and bioavailability of rainwater dissolved organic matter at the southeast coast of China using absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2019, 217, 45-55.

l Zhuang W.-E., Yang L.Y.*. Impacts of global changes on the biogeochemistry and environmental effects of dissolved organic matter at the land-ocean interface: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 4165-4173.

l Wang S.L., Chen C.T.A.*, Huang T.H., Tseng H.C., Lui H.K., Peng T.R., Kandasamy S., Zhang J., Yang L.Y., Gao X.L., Lou J.Y., Kuo F.-W., Chen X.-G., Lin Y.J. Submarine Groundwater Discharge helps making nearshore waters heterotrophic. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 11650.

l Yang L.Y., Zhuang W.-E., Chen C.-T.A.*, Wang B.-J., Kuo F.-W. Unveiling the transformation and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in contrasting hydrothermal vents using fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC. Water Research, 2017, 111, 195-203.

l Derrien M., Yang L.Y., Hur J.*. Lipid biomarkers and spectroscopic indices for identifying organic matter sources in aquatic environments: A review. Water Research, 2017, 112, 58-71.

l Zheng H., Xu C., Yang L.Y., Chen J., Chen C.-T.A.*, Wang B.-J. Diurnal variations of dissolved organic matter in the hydrothermal system of Green Island, Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 2017, 195, 61-69.

l Huang T.H., Chen C.T.A.*, Tseng H.C., Lou J.Y., Wang S.L., Yang L.Y., Kandasamy S., Gao X., Wang J.T., Aldrian E., Jacinto G.S., Anshari G.Z., Sompongchaiyakul P., Wang B.J. Riverine carbon fluxes to the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2017, 122, 1239-1259.

l Yang L.Y., Chen C.-T. A.*, Lui H.-K., Zhuang W.E., Wang B.-J. Effects of microbial transformation on dissolved organic matter in the east Taiwan Strait and implications for carbon and nutrient cycling. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2016, 180, 59–68.

l Yang L.Y., Chang S.-W., Shin H.-S., Hur J.*. Tracking the evolution of stream DOM source during storm events using end member mixing analysis based on DOM quality. Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 523, 333-341.

l Yang L.Y., Kim D., Uzun H., Karanfil T., Hur J.*. Assessing trihalomethanes (THMs) and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation potentials in drinking water treatment plants using fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis. Chemosphere, 2015, 121, 84-91.

l Yang L.Y., Han D.H., Lee B.M., Hur J.*. Characterizing treated wastewaters of different industries using clustered fluorescence EEM–PARAFAC and FT-IR spectroscopy: Implications for downstream impact and source identification. Chemosphere, 2015, 127, 222-228.

l Yang L.Y., Chen C.-T. A.*, Hong H.S., Chang Y.-C., Lui H.-K. Mixing behavior and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in two contrasting subterranean estuaries as revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2015, 166, 161-169.

l Yang L.Y., Hur J.*, Lee S.M., Chang S.-W., Shin H.-S. Dynamics of dissolved organic matter during four storm events in two forest streams: source, export, and implications for harmful disinfection byproduct formation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22, 9173-9183.

l Yang L.Y., Hur J.*, Zhuang W.E. Occurrence and behaviors of fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC components in drinking water and wastewater treatment systems and their applications: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22, 6500-6510.

l Yang L.Y., Hur J.*. Critical evaluation of spectroscopic indices for organic matter source tracing via end member mixing analysis based on two contrasting sources. Water Research, 2014, 59, 80-89.

l Yang L.Y., Choi J.H., Hur J.*. Benthic flux of dissolved organic matter from lake sediment at different redox conditions and the possible effects of biogeochemical processes. Water Research, 2014, 61, 97-107.

l Yang L.Y., Shin H.-S., Hur J.*. Estimating the concentration and biodegradability of organic matter in 22 wastewater treatment plants using fluorescence excitation emission matrices and parallel factor analysis. Sensors, 2014, 14, 1771-1786.

l Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Zhai W.D., Chen W.Z., Osburn C.L., Huang X., Li Y. Runoff-mediated seasonal oscillation in the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in different branches of a large bifurcated estuary - the Changjiang Estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2014, 119(5), 776–793.

l Yi Y.Y., Zheng A.R., Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Chen D. Optical properties of estuarine dissolved organic matter isolated using cross flow ultrafiltration. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(4), 22-29.

l Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Chen C.-T. A.*, Guo, W.D., Huang, T.-H. Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the estuaries of populated and mountainous Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 2013, 157, 12-23.

l Yang L.Y., Guo W.D., Hong H.S.*, Wang G.Z. Non-conservative behaviors of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a turbid estuary: roles of multiple biogeochemical processes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2013, 133, 285-292.

l Yang L.Y., Guo W.D., Chen N.W., Hong H.S.*, Huang, J.L., Xu, J., Huang, S.Y. Influence of a summer storm event on the flux and composition of dissolved organic matter in a subtropical river, southeastern China. Applied Geochemistry, 2013, 28, 164-171.

l Wu Y.*, Eglinton T., Yang L.Y., Deng B., Montluçon D., Zhang J. Spatial variability in the abundance, composition and age of organic matter in surficial sediments of the East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2013, 118, 1495–1507.

l Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Guo W.D., Chen C.-T. A.*, Pan P.-I., Feng C.-C. Absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in submarine hydrothermal vents off NE Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 2012, 128-129, 64-71.

l Yang L.Y., Hong H.S., Guo W.D.*, Huang J.L., Li Q.S., Yu X.X. Effects of changing land use on dissolved organic matter in a subtropical river watershed, southeast China. Regional Environmental Change, 2012, 12, 145-151.

l Hong H.S., Yang L.Y., Guo W.D.*, Wang F.L., Yu X.X. Characterization of dissolved organic matter under contrasting hydrologic regimes in a subtropical watershed using PARAFAC model. Biogeochemistry, 2012, 109, 163-174.

l Guo W.D.*, Yang L.Y., Yu X.X., Zhai W.D., Hong H.S. Photo-production of dissolved inorganic carbon from dissolved organic matter in contrasting coastal waters in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2012, 24, 1181-1188.

l Yang L.Y., Wu Y.*, Zhang J., Liu, S. M., Deng, B. Burial of terrestrial and marine organic carbon in Jiaozhou Bay: different responses to urbanization. Regional Environmental Change, 2011, 11, 707-714.

l Guo W.D., Yang L.Y., Hong H.S.*, Stedmon C.A., Wang F.L., Xu J., Xie Y.Y. Assessing the dynamics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a subtropical estuary using parallel factor analysis. Marine Chemistry, 2011, 124, 125-133.

l 杨丽阳,王羽凡,陈  苇,朱卓毅*.碳中和背景下水体溶解有机质碳汇潜力解析的实验设计. 实验技术与管理, 2024, 41(1): 220-224.

l 洪奇圣,穆景利,张艳,袁宗胜,杨丽阳,张铭栋*. K/Zn/Sn/S金属硫化物对水中铯离子的吸附去除性能及机理. 环境工程学报, 2024, 18(1): 1-12.

l 刘芳陈琳崴,庄婉娥,杨丽阳*光和微生物降解对芦苇落叶溶解有机物与铅相互作用的影响. 环境科学学报, 2022, 42(9): 113-122.

l 李飞翔,岳 琛,张超月,张瑞瑞,杨丽阳,穆景利,黄亚玲*. 人工湿地去除水产养殖尾水中氮磷的影响因素识别.生态与农村环境学报202238(7)925-932.

l 程琼, 庄婉娥, 王辉, 陈苇, 杨丽阳*. 夏季闽江 CDOM 的空间分布与降解特征. 环境科学, 2019, 40(01): 157-163.

l 程琼,庄婉娥,杨丽阳*.水生系统中溶解态有机质的激发效应研究进展.环境化学201837( 1) : 10-18

l 郭卫东*, 杨丽阳, 王福利, 陈文昭, 王新红, 洪华生. 水库型河流溶解有机物三维荧光光谱的平行因子分析. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2011, 31(2): 427-430.

l 杨丽阳, 吴莹*, 黄俊华, 张国森, 张经. 大九湖泥炭柱样的木质素特征. 地球化学, 2009, 38(2): 133-139.

l 杨丽阳, 吴莹*, 张经, 于灏, 张国森, 朱卓毅. 长江口邻近陆架区表层沉积物的木质素分布和有机物来源分析. 海洋学报, 2008, 30(5): 35-42.





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