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2011.9-2014.6 复旦大学,环境科学,博士
2004.9-2007.2 福州大学,环境科学,硕士
2000.9-2004.6 福州大学,环境工程,本科
2015.7-2015.8 赴台湾大学环境工程研究所,从事健康流域、健康水库在流域生态管理中的应用研究。
主要从事城市生态环境遥感、区域与流域环境规划与管理及流域水动力-水质模型耦合模拟研究;侧重于应用GIS/RS技术手段、地统计学方法、空间建模方法等,对全球变化及我国快速城市化背景下的区域土地利用/覆被变化(Land-use / cover change)、复合生态过程及其生态环境影响的定量化研究。在国内外期刊发表论文60余篇,为Remote Sensing, Landscape and Urban Planning, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Ecological indicator, Journal of environmental management, Applied Geography, Wetlands等多个国际刊物审稿人。
1. Yuan-Bin Cai, Zi-Jing Wu, Yan-Hong Chen, Lei Wu, Wen-Bin Pan*, Investigate the Difference of Cooling Effect between Water Bodies and Green Spaces: The Study of Fuzhou, China. Water, 2022, 14: 1471-1489.
2. Yuan-Bin Cai, Ke Li, Yan-Hong Chen, Lei Wu, Wen-Bin Pan*, The Changes of Heat Contribution Index in Urban Thermal Environment: A Case Study in Fuzhou. Sustainability, 2021, 13: 9638-9656.
3. 康文敏,蔡芫镔*,郑慧祯. 福州城市地表温度时空变化与贡献度研究[J]. 地球科学进展,2020, 35(1): 88-100.
4. Yuanbin Cai, Yanhong Chen, Chuan Tong, 2019. Spatiotemporal evolution of urban green space and its impact on the urban thermal environment based on remote sensing data: A case study of Fuzhou City, China. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 41:333-343.
5. Huizhen Zheng, Yanhong Chen, Wenbin Pan, Yuanbin Cai*, Zijie Chen, 2019. Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Changes on the Thermal Environment in Urbanization: A Case Study of the Natural Wetlands Distribution Area in Minjiang River Estuary, China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 28(4): 3025-3041.
6. 郑慧祯,陈燕红,丁威,潘文斌,蔡芫镔*. 地表温度扰动特性及其与建设用地扩张的关系[J]. 地球信息科学学报,2018, 20(10): 1529-1540.
7. 郑慧祯,陈燕红,潘文斌,郑鹏,蔡芫镔*. 河口湿地表面温度扰动特征及其关键影响因素[J]. 生态学杂志,2018(08):2463-2473.
8. Yuan-Bin Cai, Hui-Min Li, Xin-Yue Ye, Hao Zhang, 2016. Analyzing Three-Decadal Patterns of Land Use/Land Cover Change and Regional Ecosystem Services at the Landscape Level: Case Study of Two Coastal Metropolitan Regions, Eastern China. Sustainability, 8(8):773-794.
9. Yuanbin Cai, Hao Zhang, Peng Zheng, Wenbin Pan, 2016. Quantifying the Impact of Land use/Land Cover Changes on the Urban Heat Island: A Case Study of the Natural Wetlands Distribution Area of Fuzhou City, China. Wetlands, 36(2): 285-298.
10. Yuanbin Cai, Hao Zhang, Wenbin Pan, 2015. Detecting Urban Growth Patterns and Wetland Conversion Processes in a Natural Wetlands Distribution Area. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(5): 1919-1929.
11. Yuan-Bin Cai, Hao Zhang, Wen-Bin Pan, Yan-Hong Chen & Xiang-Rong Wang, 2013. Land use pattern, socio-economic development, and assessment of their impacts on ecosystem service value: study on natural wetlands distribution area (NWDA) in Fuzhou city, southeastern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(6): 5111-5123.
12. Yuanbin Cai, Xiangrong Wang, June 2013. Urbanization and Its Impacts on an Estuarine Wetland Area in Fuzhou City, China. UGEC Viewpoints, No. 9: 12-16.
13. CAI Yuanbin, ZHANG Hao, PAN Wenbin, CHEN Yanhong, WANG Xiangrong, 2012. Urban Expansion and Its Influencing Factors in Natural Wetland Distribution Area in Fuzhou City, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 22(5): 568-577.
14.陈燕红, 蔡芫镔, 仝川*. 基于遥感的城市绿色空间演化过程的温度效应研究--以福州主城区为例[J]. 生态学报, 2020, 40(7): 2439-2449.
15. 陈燕红, 蔡芫镔, 仝川*. 福州主城区绿色空间不同演化模式对地表温度扰动的影响[J]. 环境科学研究, 2020, 33(4): 995-1004.
16. Hao Zhang, Zhi-fang Qi, Xin-yue Ye, Yuan-bin Cai, Wei-chun Ma, Ming-nan Chen, October 2013. Analysis of land use/land cover change, population shift, and their effects on spatiotemporal patterns of urban heat islands in metropolitan Shanghai, China. Applied Geography, 44: 121–133.
17.Yu LIU, Hao ZHANG, Xiaoying YANG, Yongxiao Wang, Xiangrong WANG, Yuanbin CAI. Identifying Priority Areas for the Conservation of Ecosystem Services Using GIS-based Multicriteria Evaluation. Polish Journal of Ecology, 61(3): 415-430, 2013.
18. 蔡芫镔. 基于3S技术的环罗源湾区域氮磷污染物入海通量研究[J]. 地质灾害与环境保护,2011,12(4):5~10.